A Fire Accident Essay In English In 300 Words For Students and Children | TheReadingStuff

Essay On A Fire Accident In English In 300 Words

Here is the short essay on a fire accident in 300 words in English for students and kids. This is the personal experience essay on a fire accident.

a fire accident essay in english

The title of this essay can be "a fire in my neighborhood essay".

A Fire Accident Essay

Fire accidents are not very common, but whenever they happen, bring hazards with them. It was a chilly winter night on January 22nd. I was sleeping in my bedroom. Suddenly a loud noise woke me up. I put on the jacket and cap and came down to the street. A crowd of people was running here and there. 

Some people told me that a big fire had broken out and that they were rushing to give a helping hand. I also joined them. We reached near the house, which has caught the fire. The condition of the house was very critical. It was engulfed in smoke. The whole sky was covered with smoke. People were throwing water on the fire. 

The wind was blowing fast, So the fire had caught the whole house. Some had telephoned the fire brigade: Residents of the house were in very bad condition. They had come outside and been crying loudly, as their all goods were burnt. Everybody was consoling them and trying to escort them to a safe place. Till then fire brigade has arrived. 

The firefighters surrounded the house from all sides. They quickly placed the ladders and brought out all they could save from the fire. A firefighter dressed in fire-proof dress quickly climbed .up the ladder and reached the roof of the burning house. He broke the water tank. Lots of water rushed out from the broken tank. It put off the fire from the above portion. 

They doused the fire from below by throwing water from their water-house. A large crowd of people was watching the whole scene worriedly. This whole operation took two hours to be completed. The fire was controlled by the brave firefighters. Fortunately, everybody was safe. The loss of property was estimated at about one lakh. 

The next day, I came to know the main reason for the fire. That night, the power supply was out of service. So the residents of that house left the lighted candle and slept. Because of the strong wind, that candle fell down and the whole house caught fire. A little carelessness caused in a big loss. 

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