Eid Essay In English In 300 Words For Students and Kids | My Favourite Festival Eid

Essay On Eid Festival In English In English

Here is the essay on eid festival in english for students and kids. title of this essay can be my favourite festival eid.

eid essay in english

Eid Essay In English

The other name of happiness and festivity is 'EID-In India, Eid is celebrated with great joy and happiness. Every Muslim, irrespective of status wears new clothes, exchange gifts with each other, and offer Eid prayers in Mosques.

 They greet each other `Eid Mubarak' or 'a happy Eid'. The main thing, which is attached to 'Eid' is 'Charity'. The first Eid of the year is known as 'Eid-UL-FITER', which means 'breaking of fast'. It is celebrated on the first day of shawaal, the tenth month in the muslim calendar. It marks the end of a month of fast during the month of 'Ramjan'.

 At the end of this month, the full moon appears. The next day, Eid is celebrated. It is unholy to fast on this day. It is the day when Muslims forget old grievances and embrace each other with love and affection. 

The Second 'Eid' is called 'EID-UL-JUHA'. It is the `Eid of sacrifice'. On the 10th day Zil-Hijri, the last month of the Islamic calendar, every Muslim celebrates this day of commitment and self-sacrifice to Allah. In the morning Namaz is offered in Mosques. They visit each other's houses and exchange sweets, desserts, etc. 

It is auspicious to offer domestic animals, like sheep, goats, etc. as a symbol of Ibrahim's sacrifice. This meat is distributed among friends and relatives, to the poor and needy. Eid-UL-Zuha (Bakra Eid) falls on the last month of the Islamic calendar Hijri. It is celebrated after the 'Hajji' is completed. 

There is a story related to it. Once, Prophet Ibrahim was put to test by Allah. He was asked to sacrifice his elder son Ishmail. Ibrahim got ready to sacrifice his son, but a sheep came in between. This example of devotion to Allah is a landmark for the followers of Islam. This day signifies the spirit of sacrifice. Every Muslim sacrifices animals like sheep, goats, camels, etc on this day. 

The meat is divided into three parts, one part is given to poor people. The other two parts are distributed among friends and relatives. 

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