If Water Supply Fails Essay In English In 300 Words For Students and kids | TheReadingStuff

Essay On If Water Supply Fails In English In 300 Words

Here is the short essay on if water supply fails in 300 words for students and kids.

if water supply fails essay in english

If Water Supply Fails Essay

The only planet, which consists of water in a liquid form is Earth. But how water can be used in daily life? Most of the water on earth is found in the form of seawater, which is useless for human beings. We need sweet water in order to live. This sweet water is provided in the form of rain, river, and ground or well water by Nature. 

The population is increasing by leaps and bounds and there is a lack of proper water management. So we are facing the acute problem of drinking water. There is a shortage of drinking water in every part of the country, especially in urban and some rural areas. Last Saturday, in our colony, water supply was broke down due to some fault at waterworks. No information was given about the eventual water cut. 

We are not used to storing water for households so it was like a crisis for all of us. We thought that the water supply would be continued after some time, we all sat down to watch television then our neighbor, Mr. Sharma told us that there would be no water supply the whole day. We got worried because we had only three-four buckets of water. 

My mother took one bucket of water to the kitchen for use. The remaining water was supposed to be shared by all of us. We brushed our teeth and washed the faces very miserly. My mother could not cook breakfast. We brought it from the market. As the day progressed, people started gathering on the roads. Everybody was talking about the water-cut. 

Then suddenly the topic of discussion changed and it turned towards the mismanagement of Government. After that people slowly began to go back inside their houses, suddenly there was a noise in the taps. 

Everybody was relieved and started household work. Nobody had the time to think about the reason for this failure of water supply How much groundwater is wasted due to faulty taps or careless handling of water in our homes. We do not link the supply of water to cut down to trees in mountain regions or the pollution of rivers, caused by factories wastes. It is the duty of every responsible citizen to pay attention to his own faults, use water carefully. Every drop of it is precious.

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