Essay On Science and Health In English In 300 Words For Students
Here is the short essay on science and health in English in 300 words for students and teachers.
Science And Health Essay
Science is both boon and a bane for the human race. It is responsible for the deaths of several innocents because of atom bombs, chemical weapons, and germ warfare, etc. but it has saved many lives because of the invention of miraculous medicines, machines, and operations.
The contribution of Science to the health care systems is very important. The dark age was an age when many innocent people died due to superstitions, witchcraft, unsanitary living conditions, infection, epidemics, and lack of medical facilities.
The scientists in that period had to face tough resistance from the people. People were narrow-minded and were not ready to accept new advancements. It took a long-time to change the viewpoint of people. Now the inventions of various vaccines for various diseases like smallpox, cholera, typhoid, etc. helped several children from dying or becoming handicapped.
The greatest discovery is of Penicillin by the famous scientist, Dr. Flemming. Now antibiotics have brought a great revolution in health care. The cure of broken bones has become a routine process. ECG Machines, x-rays, Ultra-Sonographs, CAT scans, and many other machines are helping doctors in curing the diseases. Now efficient doctors are able to cut open a human organ in order to remove the diseased portion.
Now doctors are so eligible that they can replace a human heart, kidney, or even a finger. Now the medical science has taken a further step. Microscopic laser and intrusive surgery are proving a milestone. Operations through these techniques require the patient to remain in the hospital only for a very short period. It can be concluded by saying that science has given us mental peace because doctors have the ailment of all diseases.
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